Saturday, July 19, 2008

Here’s One of the Easiest Ways to Learn Marketing

I don’t claim to have an ability to read minds, but I guarantee I know at least one thing about the way you run your business.

I have to admit, though, this detail is so obvious that anyone with a hint of awareness can’t miss it.

So what is this fact?

Today’s economic climate has caused you to change -- even if it’s only slightly -- the way you attract prospects.

Now, this is not a bad thing. In fact, I commend you for fine-tuning your methods for creating customers -- I adjusted my approach as well.

Successful businesses are always adapting.

In addition to a recent surge in copywriting inquiries, I’ve received an increase in requests from prospects (and clients) who want marketing advice.

I believe this is because the economy is forcing more business owners to test new promotional methods.

Besides being someone they can use to bounce off ideas, I discovered the people contacting me also want tools to help expand their marketing knowledge.

That’s why I’m revealing one of my best marketing resources. This online tool offers 117 hours of interviews (audios and transcripts) with some of the biggest names in marketing. You’ll find information on just about any marketing-related topic you can think of ... and you can have it all for FREE.

But before I give you the website, I want you to keep two things in mind. First, the Internet is flooded with websites by online marketing "gurus" who promise to teach you the latest tips, tricks and techniques for getting new customers and making millions.

This is not one of those websites.

Also, the URL I’m providing is not an affiliate link. I don’t make a single cent by referring you. I simply believe if there’s any opportunity to get an education in marketing without spending thousands of dollars, then you should know about it.

Okay, so now that we’ve taken care of those concerns, here is the website:

When you go to Michael Senoff’s "Hard to Find Seminars" website, you’ll see just the first page of interviews is enough to keep you busy for at least the next six months.

Before I wrap this up, I want to go back to the topic of people contacting me for advice.

Keep in mind, I enjoy providing insight into the worlds of copywriting and marketing. If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.

What aspects of marketing are unclear for you?

What pressing marketing issues are affecting your business?

What are the burning topics that keep you up at night?

Send your questions to tom (at) writewaysolutions (dot) com. So everyone can learn from your questions, I may even include my responses in an upcoming article or audio recording.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

How Long Can You Ignore Social Media?

I finally did it.

After resisting for far too long, I plunged into the social media pool ... and I’m not getting out anytime soon.

The tools I discovered since I began “stumbling” sites, “digging” articles and posting my “tweets” have blown me away. I only wish I hadn’t waited so long.

Sure, I’m a rookie in the social media game, but I’m quickly gaining ground.

Only a few weeks ago, I was hesitant to get involved for fear I was already too far behind.

You may feel the same way now. If so, you’re not alone. Many business contacts I talk to are still resisting what has been referred to as a fad or, worse yet, an online movement for younger generations.

The truth is any business can benefit from having a social media presence. Once you get started, I promise you’ll discover profits in places you never thought possible.

So for those of you who are still hesitant to test the social media waters, here’s my entry-level introduction. These five easy-to-use tools will almost instantly help you increase your visibility and, best of all, they’re absolutely free.

Facebook – Setting up a Facebook page only takes minutes. Sure, the site is great for connecting with long-lost pals from high school, but it’s even better for finding prospects and networking within your industry. Just be sure to focus on developing relationships before you start promoting your products or services. (Click here to follow me on Facebook.)

Twitter – I’m the first to admit a site that allows you to post what’s going on at this second in your life – while also receiving updates about others’ activities – seems like a waste of time. But I encourage you to give Twitter a chance. You’ll get valuable insight into other people’s businesses and, quite often, links to helpful online tools. (Click here to follow me on Twitter.)

StumbleUpon – This plugin for your Web browser allows you to rate sites you visit and discover similar pages based on your interests and other users’ ratings. Opinions vary as to whether you should “stumble” your own sites. But if you provide valuable content, I see no problem with submitting your own work.

Docstoc – Use this site to post your articles, documents and legal forms. Thanks to docstoc, I recently secured the #1 position on Google for a keyphrase requested by a client ... in just 90 minutes. Yes, 90 minutes to the top spot on the world’s largest search engine probably goes against everything you’ve heard about search engine optimization, but I promise you it can be done.

Marketing Interviews by Copywriter Ben Settle – Okay, so this isn’t a social media site, but I did discover Ben Settle on Facebook. I just finished cramming my iPod with audio interviews from his site. I’ve heard of charitable contributions, but Ben has taken generosity to another level. After listening to just a few minutes of his first interview, I knew I found a treasure chest of marketing gold.

Have a favorite social media tool that’s not mentioned here? Please feel free to post your suggestion below.